Comments on: Reserve Wardens Information for Retired California Game Wardens Fri, 02 Aug 2019 00:02:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: JackEdwards Mon, 20 Mar 2017 17:47:40 +0000 In reply to Doug Huckins.

Thanks for the info Doug. I have added it to the history.

By: Doug Huckins Mon, 06 Feb 2017 20:06:19 +0000 Jack- It’s great to read the history of those who preceded quite a few of us as Reserve Wardens.

I can add this from my own experience: I applied and was appointed a Reserve Warden by Marine Region Inspector Russ Goodrich through Warden Jim Barton in Morro Bay in1982. Jim already had Reserve Warden Todd Tognazzini on his team. Shortly thereafter two others were appointed in San Luis Obispo County- Dean Hileman and Mike Buelna. We all focused on marine patrol, trained jointly with Lieutenant Bob Koch and his Region 3 squad, and assisted during deer seasons as well. Our Lieutenant was Dan Laughlin of Monterey County, who later promoted to Captain of the P/B BLUEFIN. Our Reserve coordinator was then-Lt. Tom Belt at R3 HQ in Yountville. He promoted to Captain as well.

A neighboring Reserve was Sean McRae of Hanford, who worked alongside Warden Kathy Ponting.

All of us aspired to become Game Wardens, and succeeded, with the exception of Sean. I believe we all tested multiple times and were on lists that numbered up to 1,000 applicants. It seems that typically only about 10 were hired each cycle. Sean couldn’t wait forever and became a CHP officer. He is currently a Captain/commander in San Luis Obispo and due to retire soon.

Todd was hired as a biologist in Santa Barbara area and became a warden in Paso Robles, where he is currently the SLO/Southern Monterey County lieutenant.

Dean was hired in 1987 from Morro Bay PD as a King City warden. He retired as the San Luis Obispo County lieutenant in 2010.

Mike and I were hired in 1985 and attended the Alan Hancock College Police Academy in Santa Maria. Mike was assigned to the East Bay Area and retired as the Martinez warden.

I was first assigned Potter Valley but that was changed mid-academy to Salinas. Partly because we all had extensive marine patrol experience prior to being hired, Todd worked on a boat in the Channel Islands and has actively patrolled offshore his entire career. Dean was also assigned marine patrol in Morro Bay and aboard the BLUEFIN. Mike operated a skiff on San Francisco Bay, and I patrolled offshore Monterey and Santa Cruz , ultimately replacing Dan Laughlin and Lt Bob Grossi as the skipper of the BLUEFIN from 1995-1998. I concurrently served 4 years as the state enforcement representative on the newly-created Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary advisory committee.

As in the information provided by Dale Wong, the influx of boat people from SE Asia as commercial fishermen brought about a heavy workload at sea as we not only enforced regulations but also did our best to educate them regarding fisheries and wildlife management in the U.S.

Upon my assignment to Salinas, I worked regularly with Warden Mike Carion of Carmel Valley who later became Chief of Enforcement. His Reserve Wardens were Geoff Malloway, a teacher and volunteer Hunter Education instructor (who I still teach HEd with), and USFS Law Enforcement Ranger Ray Gould. Ray eventually became Captain over all of the Los Padres National Forest before retirement.

After serving as the first OSPR/Marine Region Captain for Central and Northern California, I transferred to the R3 Central Coast captain’s slot when Capt Tom Pedersen promoted to Chief of Patrol. I retired mid-2014 as Assistant Chief of the North Coast District after 32 years on the Thin Green Line, always having marine enforcement as part of my duties.

I’d say our Reserve Warden program has served, and is serving, DFG/DFW and the citizens of California extremely well!!

I hope this fills in some of the unknowns about our Reserve Warden program.

My best to all our current and retired Wardens,

Doug Huckins

By: CaptJack Fri, 29 May 2015 00:19:04 +0000 In reply to Dale Wong.

Thanks Dale. I have added it to the Reserve Warden page.

By: Dale Wong Thu, 28 May 2015 22:17:55 +0000 1983- 1985 – 2 reserves were utilized during the influx of southeast Asians in the SF bay area. Lack of knowledge of the rules and regulations resulted in an increase of regulation arrests of these immigrants from the southeast countries. Working with the court system and southeast work and placement groups, a diversion program was initiated and the arrests soon tapered off with very little recidivism. The reserve officers that help deal with this problem for 2 years were, R Warden Ron Dong and R Warden Roger Kellmann. Roger later went on to be a Fremont police officer and later as a detective. Ron continued with his acupuncture practice in SF.
