Comments on: The Bloodiest Year in California Game Warden History Information for Retired California Game Wardens Thu, 09 Feb 2023 15:54:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: JackEdwards Sat, 10 Mar 2018 00:58:04 +0000 In reply to Hattie Cocking (Harriet Hall).

Hattie: I tried to email you some contact info but it did not go through. Please email me directly at so that I can send the info to you.


By: JackEdwards Fri, 09 Mar 2018 19:25:45 +0000 In reply to Hattie Cocking (Harriet Hall).

Hattie: There are a few of the old guys still around. Unfortunately Jack Traub passed away a couple of years ago. Terry Grosz is still around. I will send you an email with info on how to contact some of the old guys.


By: Hattie Cocking (Harriet Hall) Wed, 07 Mar 2018 18:17:23 +0000 Hello,
I am Don Hall’s Daughter. My Father was a Warden for over 30 years here in CA, if you talk to Terry Grogz, he will remember me as a skinny little ten year old girl, Don Hall’s kid, who went on undercover patrol with him and other Federal Wildlife Officers, at a “Push” at low tide, on the Sonoma Coast, back in 1966. My Mother, Margaret hall, and My little 5 year old Nephew posed with terry as a family, and he instructed my Nephew and I to play on the bluffs on the cliffs above the cove, and watch for people taking small abalones, and two many abalones. I saw a woman stuffing her shirt and waders with shorts, so I ran to Terry and told him. He coached me on what to do next, he said, “Harriet, I want you to wait ’till she comes up the cliff, then run up to her and YELL, Daddy Daddy! That Lady Has Little Abalone’s in her Shirt and Boots!” I did this, and as Terry later told the story around that night’s campfire, the woman “looked like she wanted to strangle our sweet little Harriet” !
I have so many stories of my own, and am writing a book now, about my amazing Family, The Don Hall Family. I am a retired 911 Emergency Medical Police Dispatcher. I have an older Brother Steve, who is a retired Police Officer in Sacramento, now in Tucson. My Sister, the oldest, is a retired U.S.F.S District Ranger up at Gray Eagle, she’s now in Portland.
I wonder if you knew of Jack Traub, he was my Dad’s dearest friend, and Captain of Region 3 at one time.
I’m interested in hearing from anyone you may know or come in contact with who knew my Dad, and might have a fond or funny memory to tell me. Dad retired with the number 2 badge in the state of California, his Grandson Matt Hall, who is an Ice Agent, has been given the badge by my Brother, his Father Steve Hall.
Please feel free to contact me, I look forward to any information you might have or find about my Father, he was regarded by so many to be a great man, a steward in and to his Native California, which he loved and treasured so dearly, and wanted to spend his life protecting it and it’s land and wildlife.
