Comments on: Wardens Killed, Wounded or Who Died While on Duty Since 1900 Information for Retired California Game Wardens Thu, 09 Feb 2023 23:46:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: CaptJack Mon, 08 Jun 2015 18:06:31 +0000 In reply to Carl Jochums.

Carl: I went back to check the pages to see what was blocked as per your note. I also checked the links for the stories about officers killed or injured and found that many of the links were not working after moving the whole site over to the new format. Those links have been repaired and you should be able to read the back story on those wardens.

By: CaptJack Wed, 03 Jun 2015 17:38:48 +0000 In reply to Carl Jochums.

Carl, thanks for your input. Still working on the synopsis for each one. Started with the early ones and am still working on the rest. I remember hearing about Gundy, but still need to collect more info. I will check with Terry. As for the page overlap, which page?

By: Carl Jochums Mon, 01 Jun 2015 18:06:03 +0000 2 things.
1. on this website, the info panel on right is covering part of text and photos in main field.
2. On the Wardens killed It would be a great addition if you could hot-link to a short synopsis of the incident. I know that in some cases, especially those in the early 1900’s, there was scant information about who or what, but I was surprised at the number of them which were knife attacks; Terry Hodges did quite a bit of research on that back in our Delta days and had a bunch of info. He had additional info of attacks which I believe were not fatal. One was quite remarkable as I recall – 1920’s a Warden in the Delta (Terminus Track – Correia Rd – approached two duck hunters in a blind; one shot his arm off, he returned fire killing one and wounding the other; he took wounded assailant to his car and drove to Lodi; I don’t think he died from his wound.) I will look through my junk and see if I can find Terry’s summary, but I am sure Terry has a copy near. Also, wasn’t Gunderson beaten senseless?
