California Game Warden

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I am almost 65, What do I do NOW!!! Part of planning for the future is to make sure that you don’t miss out on key dates that can cost you in the long term. I know, you figured that…

Stretching Your Dollars

Tips on Stretching Your Retirement Dollar Part of planning for the future is keeping track of your spending. I will be posting tips here that may be userful while working, but are often more important to you when you are…


Retirement Planning Using a Roth IRA, a 401, 457, or ??? When I was working, I thought that putting a little away in the 401 or 457 was a great plan, but looking back today, I don’t believe it is the best…

Ninty Percent

Retirement – 30 years @ 3%=90% not really Although you may not realize it, when you put in for your retirement, you have some decisions to make that will effect your retirement check if you have a spouse and family to…

Convert To A Roth IRA

  After you retire, you can leave your money in your current 401 or 457 plan. You don’t have to start withdrawals until the year that you reach age 70 1/2. You can, if you wish, roll your plans into…

Mike Maschmeier Joins the Ranks as an Author

Mike Maschmeier, retired California game warden, has just published his first book. An American Possibility. It is available on Amazon as a paperback, hard cover or for your Kindle. As Mike says, “I’ve written and published a memoir (Outskirts Press), AN…

An American Possibility

Mike Maschmeier, retired California game warden, has just published his first book. An American Possibility. It is available on Amazon as a paperback, hard cover or for your Kindle. As Mike says, “I’ve written and published a memoir (Outskirts Press),…

The Game Warden’s Son

Hello Friends, We hope this finds you well and enjoying the first signs of autumn. We have some exciting news to share with you: The Sequel Has Landed –The Game Warden’s Son , scheduled for release by Coffeetown Press on…