California Game Warden


Retired California Game Warden
Website & Blog

Providing information and links for retired California Game Wardens
wishing to stay in touch with fellow retirees
“Thin Green Line”

Scott Cohen & Eric Sterbinsky have been checking to see if we were ready for another campout at Refugio. Noted below his his initial email looking for interest in a campout this year.

Hi All,

I am gauging interest in the Refugio Campout  March 23(Thursday) -27(Monday), 2023. I have already made a tentative reservation for the Bouchard Group Campsite at Refugio State Beach. If there is enough interest then I am happy to pay upfront and we can divide the cost afterwards. The total cost for the Bouchard Group Campsite for 4 nights is $1400. Based on history, I am expecting approximately 15-30 groups/families will attend. It should be very affordable.
The Refugio Campout is basically a time to get together in a fun outdoor setting with our Department and non-department coworkers and friends. During the day people generally enjoy outdoor activities like surfing, fishing, diving , hiking, or biking. Some hang around the campground and play games, cook wild game, or just hang out. On Saturday night we generally do a big potluck dinner where everyone brings a dish to share (we usually end up with enough leftovers for a scavenger pot luck on Sunday as well). After dark we have a bonfire or two and let the fish tales fly. Please let me know if you are interested. Please let me know if I left anyone off this list (or if you have a better email address for them) that would be interested. Scott Cohen, (530)400-2878
They got a very strong response for the annual camp out, so the Campout is a go! They’ll put out some more info in the coming weeks.

If you are not on Eric Sterbinsky’s email list, touch bases with him or give Scott a call.

Do you realize that it has been 150 years since the creation of the Fish Commission, the forerunner of the Department of Fish and Game and later the Department of Fish and Wildlife went to work protecting the fisheries resources of the State of California. That’s right. One of the first things the new commission did was to hire and deputize it’s first two assistant fish commissioners to help protect those resources. Captain E. Wakeman in San Francisco and George Haswell at Lake Tahoe.
To commemorate that humble start, the Department of Fish and Wildlife’s enforcement division is issuing a commemorative 150 year badge. These badges will be authorized for used by our current wardens as well as to us retirees. If you would like to be able to purchase one of these badges, please let me know.
CA Fish & Wildlife Anniversary #3
I will be sending out an email to all of the retired wardens on the day after Christmas telling you how to order. Of course, Ed Jones & Company, who has made our badges forever will be making these badges as well. Once they receive your request, they will verify your status as a retired warden with the Department before your badge is made. These will be sterling silver badges with your actual warden badge number on the badge. Hopefully you remember your badge number. All will use the classification of “Warden” not any other rank that you have held.

Since they will be sterling silver and hand done in a very small lot, they are not cheap. Total cost, including shipping, will be $337.28. Although I sent the flyer to the retired wardens for whom I have email addresses, I don’t have them all. If you are interested in one of these badges, please contact me or contact Elisabeth Rusca at The Ed Jones Company, 2834 8th Street

Berkeley, CA 94710.  (510)704-0704 Ext. 201


As many of you know, wardens don’t stop enjoying the outdoors when they retire. Below are a couple of photos submitted by Bob Orange, Jr.

Here is Bob’s version of the story.  A couple of weeks ago Jake Bushey, Jerry Karnow, Chris Lewis and myself went snowmobiling to Bushey’s cabin at Medicine Lake. It is a annual event where I bring my four sleds up for the ride. Here are a couple of photos of us. Please note that Jake’s cabin is a two story A-frame and the door we are standing at is on the second story allowing us to step directly into the cabin without having to dig out the first story door. Estimated the snow depth at around 13 feet; it had been up to 20′. To explain- the camera taking the photo was on a timer set on one of our snowmobiles. Jake was running back as fast as he could to be back with us for the group photo. As you can see he crashed & burned in one photo and the other one he finally made it back in time to wave at the camera. My altimeter on my snowmobile showed the elevation of his cabin at 7,090 feet. Thanks! Bob

Bushy In The Snow


Bushey Made It Out of the Snow

Thanks to Retired Deputy Chief Doug Huckins for these two photos.
November, 1982 Scout-O-Rama at Mission Plaza in San Luis Obispo.
Warden Jim Barton (who had transferred to DFG from CHP a year or two prior) and Reserve Wardens Dean Hileman and Doug Huckins designed and staffed the booth


I received this photo from Retired Warden Mitch Hawthorn. Obviously still a crack shot with the shotgun.

U.S. Police and Fire Championships Redlands Ca. 2016.
Gold metal Singles trap and Bronze metal handicap trap.

All of you who follow this blog, know that we lost a few retired wardens over the past few months, October 2015-January 2016. One of our retirees, who is still with us, wrote a nice piece about Ray Nilsson. You may want to have a look. Here is the link to his blog site:

Every once and a while I get a note from someone who wants to know how to become a game warden. I generally advise them to check the DFG website (sorry the DFW website) and click on the Enforcement link. There are other info sources available, since not all inquires are for CA wardens, I want to post another useful link here.

I added several new photos to the photos page as well as the history page.
Here are a couple for you to review and guess some names.

Let me know if you know them.

Here is your clue, 1975 brand new lieutenants.DSC06843

Here are my clues: LL, BH, GB, DD, CMDSC06835

I think I know all of their names except the last one on the top right next to Mike Wolter. I did receive a note from Jerry Collins who identified the warden as Dennis Rankin. Thanks Jerry.



Annual Warden Reunion & BBQ coming up on May 30, 2015
 We had a great time at this
years Annual Warden Reunion. Had a nice turnout. Check out the photos on the Photos
page. It was a great pleasure to visit with Gil Bert, who started to work for DFG the year
that I was born, and that was quite few years ago.

I especially appreciate that Gill Berg, Ron Perrault, Doug Buchanan and Will Bishop
brought photos for me to add to history pages on our website. If you have not looked at the
Warden’s History page yet, you need to have a look.


Bad Email Addresses: Every time I send out a notice, I get returns as email boxes are too
full or the Warden has changed email addresses and not notified me.  Here is a list of
those emails that have been returned recently. If you are in contact with them, please have
them touch bases with me so that I can update their email address.

Tom Harmon, Daryll Yount, Jake Bushey, Larry Parkinson, Bill Bakker,


Recent & Coming Retirements

greenlineGame Wardens as Authors

I don’t know about you, but I love to read Game Warden Stories.

I started reading game warden stories with The Tales of the Fish Patrol by Jack London.
Then I read everyone of Terry Hodges’ books. After that I searched for more authors.
I found game warden stories from Jim Wictum, Terry Grosz, CJ Box and Kirk Russell
among a few others.

I even read Park Ranger stories from Nevada Barr.

See more authors on the Authors Page.greenline

Check out this video about what wardens do!

What Wardens Do: Marijuana Eradication


Updated info on Medicare.

Don’t forget to file a few months before you hit age 65. In fact, you must have everything in
place before the first day of the month that you turn 65. If you have any insights from your
experience that is worth passing on to your fellow retirees, please shoot me an email at or add it to the blog.


This Website is a Provided and Funded by Jack & Tracey Edwards
Jack & Tracey Edwards
Retired DFG Elk Grove, Ca

36 thoughts on “Home

  1. Beverly Irwin

    My father was retired Fish and Game Warden Jack R. Vorhies. He was a good friend of Gil Berg. I would like to be added to your email list.

  2. Todd Estrada


    I am on the board of directors for the association and I am working on a project for the “thing green line” publication. I was wondering if you can assist me? Shoot me an email and I will give you some details about what i am working on.


  3. Syd Kahre

    Jack – don’t know how to get to you direct. Don Dunham passed away yesterday
    (Nov. 3. 2015) in Chico. Had been on kidney dialysis a few years and fell and broke his femur a couple of weeks ago. Don’t know anything about services. Will let you know. He was great fun to work with.

    Syd Kahre

  4. Rick Macedo

    I appreciate your webiste Jack. I especially enjoyed seeing the New Lieutenants 1975 Picture. The Department created a new Lieutenant classification and this its first class. My father, Richard Macedo (senior), is at the backrow, second to the last on the far right, hoilding what appears to be a marijuana plant.

    Thank you Jack.

  5. Chris Macedo


    This is a very nice website that you have. My father, your first Lieutenant, Richard Macedo, left a lasting impression on his four sons, even though he passed away at age 44. Rick, the oldest is a Regional Branch Manager with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the second son, Dave retired after a distinguished 30 year career as a Captain with the Stockton Fire Department, me the third son, am currently the Undersheriff for the Lake County Sheriff’s Office and the fourth son, Jim, is currently the interim Sheriff of the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife will always hold a special place in the Macedo hearts. Our mother, Marie did an incredible job of raising the four boys after our father passed away and still resides in Tracy and spends a lot time visiting her grandchildren.

    Best reagrds,


    1. JackEdwards Post author

      Chris: Thanks for the update. I was in Stockton today for the funeral for retired warden John Stark. I know that he has a connection with your brother Jim as John was the warden in Calaveras County before he retired.

    1. JackEdwards Post author

      Thanks Wilbur. One way that you may be able to help is to talk with any of the old retired wardens in your area to see if they have any old photos that can be scanned and shared on the site.


  6. John Oberto

    Hi Jack I am trying to get in touch with a retired warden James Holven he had the # 2 badge before he retired
    I believe he still lives in Sacramento , he was a great friend to my father and myself I lost his contact info and was hoping that you may help to tell Jim of my dads passing
    Thank you
    John Oberto

  7. Bruce Cochran

    I just wanted to let Rich Macedo know that I always enjoyed his support in Lake County. Served with his Dad Rich in the E. Bay in the early 70’s. First met his dad @the old Cedar Creek Hatchery in N. Mendocino Co. on the S. Fork of the Eel @ at Leggett. Rich worked for DFG at the Hatchery before the 1964 floods took it out.
    After retirement I moved back to Idaho, my native state.


    Thought I’d give you guys a geezer Hello, (0ut of a clear blue sky I thought I make a couple of contacts if there any ?? Been a long time since I left F&G, Somewhre around 40 yrs ago.
    Left my job as Capt in Monterey. embarked with a new wife,. This was in I981. a long time ago! Had to ask my wife when !. I find myself at this moment about to say alot of things which is going to take considerable thought. Have not planned it!
    I will go on rambling. If I get e few guys who want to hear what I would say. Had some goodtimes and some sad times,A sad happening was Ray Nilsson, a few weeks ago. When he passed on.My best friend! Will try and get my self organized. If you think I should.

    1. JackEdwards Post author

      Hugh: Good to hear from you. There are still a few old coots around who might want to say hello. Check out the roster page if there is someone you want to touch bases with. By the way, have you heard anything about a fellow Capt from Monterey, Ken Boettcher.

    2. Breanna S

      I am scrolling through and recognize your name from a commendation letter found in my grandpas things that you wrote him. I wonder how well you knew Ray Azbill?

      1. JackEdwards Post author

        Breanna: If I remember correctly, Hugh was Ray’s Captain back in the 1970’s. You replied to my comment but not to Hugh’s comment.


        1. Breanna S

          Oh ok my mistake but thank you for that insight. I like hearing all about my grandpas life as a game warden, his stories have brought me so much excitement through the years.

    3. Debi West

      Hi, I am Debi (Azbill) West. I remember you being my dads captain when we lived in King City. Dad passed away July 24, 2020. I would love to send you the memorial I made for him. Could you send me your contact information. Mine is My mother passed away May 29, 2019. I will let you know more if you send me your email and address.

      1. JackEdwards Post author

        Debi: I received your letter with the info about your dad. I will be scanning it and adding it to our history. Thanks

  9. robert gary newsham

    Hi my name’s Robert newsham my great-uncle was Carl Westerfield game warden 1918 – 1920 wondering if anybody had a picture of him as a game warden or any information that they may have on him that was my grandfather’s brother any help with this would be appreciated Gary newsham

    1. Kris Kerlin

      Dear Gary,
      I came across your name today at the North Manchester, IN Historical Society. I am a descendant of the Lawrence family and would like to hear from you if you are interested in exchanging information. My gr-gr-gr-grandmother was Sarah Lawrence Kline, an older sister of your ancestor George W Lawrence. The society also gave me your street address, so I may try sending you a letter as I don’t know if you will receive this email – just thought I would try as I came across this site.

      Thank you,
      Kris Kerlin
      Silver Lake, IN (we live about 6 miles from North Manchester)

  10. JackEdwards Post author

    Ashley: Our website is geared toward the history of California Game Wardens, not for new job applicants. That information is available on the Department’s website so I have not duplicated that info on our site.


  11. L Ryan Broddrick

    Jack, we reached the 5 million objective at CALWOF. I have not been using tnr account for awhile. Thus the new e address. Take care.

  12. Kevin Broyles

    I would really like to get in touch with retired Warden Bob Orange, Jr. About 8 or 9 years ago I had an oral history class project wherein the class interviewed retired wardens individually. I drew Bob to interview and I had so much fun we talked for hours. He and his wife were so gracious to me I have often thought of them and wonder how they are doing. I would just like to catch up with them.

  13. Rennie Cleland

    Hi Jack,
    Hey, I’ve made some progress in scheduling a meeting with the current warden’s association leadership with regards to Senate Bill 395, signed into law in 2019, and yet to be funded.

    Now, I need your help with getting together with the retired warden’s association regarding the same issues with SB 395.

    Is there a time and place when I can meet in the Sacramento area in the near future? Please advise.

  14. Karen Weeks


    Having a newly empty nest can be oddly overwhelming. What should you do now that your last child has moved out?

    I was wondering if I could write an article for your website directed at new empty nesters considering this next phase of their life. I’ll offer advice and resources on how they can fill their time in fulfilling ways while still having time to relax.

    What do you think about this idea? If you think your readers would find this article interesting, just let me know, and I’ll be more than happy to write it up for you.

    Thank you for your consideration,
    Karen Weeks
    My website:

    If you don’t want to be emailed about this in the future, please reply and let me know. However, if you’d simply prefer a different topic than the one proposed, that’s no problem. I’m happy to accommodate.

    1. JackEdwards Post author

      Karen: I am not sure that this website is the best option for one of your posts unless you have a direct connection to the Department of Fish and Game, now the Department of Fish and Wildlife. One of my other websites, which has a large section devoted to our senior community,, may be a better option. Check it out and let me know what you think.

  15. Jimmy White

    Hi Jack! Jim White. Just saw your web site and look thru lots of pics and some of my stories. Sure glad you are still using my pic of my Captains squad. I took that pic at Tahoe during one of my squad meetings. I as still taking pictures, most of birds, taking care of my wife Shirley and will hope to see my birthday Aug.28 this month.( 96 this month) I use my jeep to spend lots of time in the Hi country. My cell # is 916-508-8511.

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